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tv   ABC7 News at 9 on KOFY  KOFY  August 3, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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it's true. you never forget your first subaru. good evening. i'm carolyn johnson. dan ashley has the night off. security experts in santa clara discovered the biggest series of cyber attacks yet. for five years hackers have infiltrated the networks of the largest and most influencial
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organizations including the united nations, the international olympic committee as well as defense contractors for britain and the united states. karina rusk is live in san jose with more on this for us. >> reporter: well, the santa clara based internet security firm mavave says it gained control to the command and control server used by the intruders and were able to analyze the logs and traffic and identify at least 72 companies, organizations and government agencies that had been hacked from the united nations as you said to the international olympic committee. a 14--page report details that the majority of the targets were based in the united states and that there were a total of 13 defense contractors which had data compromised and stolen. many of the security breaches were long-term withed i19 of te intrusions lasting more than a year. >> the stuff that is extremely sensitive and extremely valuable. if this gets into the wrong
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hands it really could crush competitive nature of certain companies and organizations. >> mcavee is not naming the prime suspect only to say it is a nation state. many security experts are already, however, pointing the finger at china which has been implicated in other cyber spying cases such as the 2009 attack against google. mcavee has dubbed the cyber bust as operation shady rat, rat being an acronym for remote access tool. they are working with the u.s. government and the numerous victims out there to determine exactly what information was stolen and how to add layers of security to that similar attacks don't happen in the future. in san jose, karina rusk, abc 7 news,. all right, thank you. and staying in the tech world for a moment, randy zuckerberg, sister of mark zuckerberg is leaving facebook after six years there to launch her own company.
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sheet has been director of and isng for facebook sunday a leaving to help media programs. it is not clear how the fine will finance the new $987 million stadium but the project is moving forward. the city of santa clara will sell bonds to contribute up to $0 million in the tight economy. nine hotels in the area will add a fee to guest room rates and the nfl last week says it has money to add to the pot. the niners are not talking about how they will finance the rest but today we did get the first detailed look at what the stadium will look like. more on that from abc 7's david louie. >> reporter: this is what nearly $1 million can create. a new -- $1 billion can create. a stadium that puts fans closer to the field and provides game excitement whether you are in a luckry seat or the new stands. escalators take patrons to a grand terrace.
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the west seed has a structure that houses a the club suites but most of the seating in the c-shaped stadium is general admission. so stadiums isolate the fans from each other. we have never really wanted to do that. we want this to be about an enhanced fan experience for all patrons. >> tim cahill from hntb architecture points out the mild santa clara weather allows the stadium to have several plazas including the endzones but additional seating can be added if needed for a super bowl. glassed in areas. the seats, by the way are not 49er maroon. they will be two shades of red to reflect california wines. atop the suites a green roof. >> people will be able to go to the roof deck and there is a guard thereby with the existing regional species. water resistant. the rain water will be fine and recycled wood deck and it is
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shaded by solar panels. >> with the stadium located in the heart of silicon valley it will also be engineered to accommodate technology of today and future. the stadium can also host concerts and other sports teams. it will house a year round team store. >> we are trying to create things that fans and nonfans could use and bring the community into the stadium to be part of the 49ers family. >> reporter: obviously renting out the stadium will be an important revenue generator. with the santa clara convention center across the street it will be an important place for meetings and conventions as well. the center. 22-year-old mark la govern was discharged this morning from the hospital and will continue his recovery at a
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rehabilitation center. he came to san francisco to play for a gala football club here this summer. during a game on june 25, mcgovern mysteriously collapsed and fell into a coma. his team thinks he was hit by by an opposing player but nobody saw exactly what happened. police continue to investigate. one man is dead after two boats collided this afternoon in san francisco bay. a father and his 20-year-old son were on a small fishing boat when a 46-foot power boat ram inside them. the 20-year-old was trapped underneath the boat and had to be pulled from the water by rescuers. did he not survive. >> that guy that was doing cpr and trying to get him back alive and stuff. and then a few minutes later another boat came in and they had another person but he was alive and stuff. he was moving around. he looked banged up. >> that was his father. he is in good condition. a major effort tonight to
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change the way child sexual predators get released from prison. this is fallout from the jayceedugard case. >> in light of another scathing report on how the jay see dugard case was handled. a california decision known as the lawrence case prohibits the state parole board from denying releases based solely on the original crime. the psych evaluations and a risk assessment test called static 99 are given a lot more weight. it is how a philipp garito type could get out. >> despite what he did to jaycee he would be eligible for release based on static 99 and
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not being able to take the committed offense into account. >> an example of how a lack of communication between federal and state parole agents allowed him to hold dugard captive since she was 11 years old. one judge ordered a law forcing got to work together to prevent another bungled case. >> under the prespec respect te two have for each other, a state parole officer can't enforce another. >> during his parole, he also had his wife nancy lure numerous girls to the back of their van while she videotaped them doing gymnastic poses like splits. >> that's it. can you go all the way down? >> yes. >> let me see. >> one corrections psychologist says it is difficult to evaluate an inmate when medical
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records are hand writing or missing. >> i have to become a detective a lot of times to find out what the prior information is on the inmates. >> after today's hearing, state senator ted gaines is preparing to introduce legislation that would force the california parole board to give previous crimes more weight. he says that would prevent nearly 200 dangerous criminals a year from getting paroled. in sacramento, nannette miranda, abc 7 news. usda announced a recall of 36 million-pounds of cargill ground turkey. is sacramento county man died. cargill is recalling fresh and frozen products produced at the arkansas plant from february 20 through august 20 because of possibly contamination. the meat is sold under safeway, honeysuckle white, riverside and kroger.
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it was sold at safeway, win coe, kroger, food 4 less. all of the packages recalled include the code espt 963 on the label. the labels and the code are on you will find it under see it on tv. a heroic young man received top honors today in san jose for his quick action. he is credited with saving the life of a drowning girl even though he is just 8 and a half years old. don sanchez has his story. >> i feel kind of proud. >> reporter: 8.5-year-old ishan is san jose's biggest little hero. the fire department thanking him for rescuing a three-year-old friend who was drowning. the fire department presented him with a plaque for being a hero and he got a ride in the fire engine. he took this all in stride. looking around the fire station he said wow, look at all the paparazzi. he is being praised for his action in the pool at apartment where he lives.
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she was riding on the shoulders of and they fell. >> i was totally scared and my body was shaking and i said jump and pull her out. >> sew jumped. >> i got them and i got her and i pushed her to the side and a woman pushed the grandpa to the side. >> ishan has been swimming for two years. he had no fear. >> i just jumped in. i was being brave. >> he had saved a life. paramedics arrived just minutes later. the little girl is fine. the grandfather is in serious condition. he is getting a reward for this from his folks an ipad. he likes to read and already has his sights set on the future. >> you think with the firemen here this is a year he would want to follow. he says no, he will become the
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ceo of a software company he is planning to found. >> that is what my dad does and i'm going to follow his generation how ambitious he is i won't be surprised if he makes it big because he is a hard worker and he never quits. >> andle be back in the pool tomorrow, feeling just a bit stronger and prouder. in san jose, don sanchez, abc 7 news. what a great kid. don tells us he is pretty sure he will become a ceo of his own software company. just ahead on abc 7 news at 9:00, a concern about gangs in one north bay city leads to a new police program yielding results. also, a muddy mess damages high end cars in marin county. we will take a look at what has caused this problem. >> i'm spencer christian in the accuweather forecast center. the sea breeze is blowing and temperatures falling. i'll have all the details in my accuweather forecast coming up. and they have laid down the paint. so will this new addition to the golden gate bridge keep 
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bang related violence in the south bay and east bay is a problem law enforcement struggles to control and in the north bay a growing problem as well. a new police unit is now focusing on gang members. heather ishimaru has the story. >> novado police want to see fewer of these, crimes involving gang members and with the help of county law enforcement and san raphael police the police department created a special gang enforcement unit that went into service july 20. >> we know it is affected by the numbers of arrests to be made and contacts to be made. >> in the first two weeks the unit resulted in 6 fellly arrests and 17 misdemeanor arrests. police say they include members of gangs who live in navado or have some connection here. the arrests ranged from
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possession of illegal weapons and drugs to threatening an officer and the gang unit continues its crackdown. >> an ongoing problem. we continue to have gang members that live here in navado and travel through to commit crimes. just a continuing problem. i don't know if we will put an end to it but we will deter them. >> outside the youth center, police arrested a juvenile in gang attire after a fight. a girls birthday party was being held in the rented gym space. >> we were upset by what happened last weekend. >> the executive director says the 35-year-old youth center has never had an incident like that but more and more of the young people served here need support to stay away from problems like gang involvement. >> i wouldn't really say it is a gang problem and actually it doesn't feel like there is statistics to prove that, but i would say that youth today are having a lot of problems building resilience and coping skills and understanding how to make good decisions.
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>> the center is offering programs to support good decisions, hopefully giving the police department less to do. heather ishimaru, abc 7 news. a hunter was gored by a wild bore today in sonoma county. the victim was hunting when a wounded pig charged out of the brush. the hunters were off the beaten track which delayed rescuers. >> and fortunately one of the hunters had a cell phone and we were able to with the helicopters and our cells we were able to locate the patient and he was transported to santa rosa memorial with numerous pig bites. >> but the pig bites did not appear to be life threatening to the rescuers. the pig was shot and killed. a line now separates bicyclists from pedestrian on the golden gate bridge. bridge officials hope this will keep people moving and help promote safety.
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the site seems to have delayed a proposal for speed limits and signs as a way to reduce the accidents. bicyclists used to use the west sidewalk until it was closed phoresis mix retrofitting work. quite a lot of low on the bridge. >> low clouds pushed through the golden gate and pushing inland. we will have the cooldown tomorrow. chilly for this time of the year. a live view from the high definition east bay camera in emeryville. across the bay bridge back towards san francisco. not much evidence in this view of the relay that is pretty forceful at the moment but it is present. it is out there. as you move around a little bit you will see it. right now, temperatures are at 57 degrees in san francisco. 59 novado. 62 santa rosa. upper 60s in the east bay locations. 68 degrees at antioch right now. temperatures dropping tomorrow during the day time from today's levels. low clouds move inland tonight. cooling down tomorrow, minor
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ups and downs in the temperature range through the weekend. up a few degrees and then down a few degrees. low clouds and fog work inland. low temperatures drop mainly into the mid 50s. more mid to upper 50s in the inland and east bay and more mid to low 50s in the north bay. another upper level low around the northwest just offshore. drop down out of the gulf of alaska and bringing that cooling sea breeze which will drop our temperatures well below the average temperatures for tomorrow. tomorrow morning start to see later in the morning the low clouds and fog pulling back to the coastline which is the usual mid summer pattern and by mid day a pattern with high temperatures on the coast in the upper 50s. only 60s around the bay. and mainly 70s inland. the warmest locations inland will barely he reach 80 degrees. cooler than the average for this time of year. sunny skies by afternoon in the south bay with high
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temperatures in the 70s. look for are highsof 74 at san jose. 73 cupertino. 68 san mateo. 70 redwood city. 70 mountain view. upper 50s to 60s on thet and pf moon bay. downtown san francisco a high of 63 tomorrow. 64 san francisco. north bay highs, 65 saucilito. 82 clover dale. 85 at ukiah. in the near east bay highs generally not the 60s though 70 the high at union city. 71 at castro valley and freed month. even 70 up at hercules. inland east bay mainly upper 70s. 80 concord and pittsburgh. 82 brentwood. 79 pleasantton. 77 dublin. 78 danville. monterey bay mid to upper 60s near the bay and 80 inland at gilroy and morgan hill. our accuweather seven-day forecast. temperatures bounce back a few
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degrees on friday. saturday they will drop a couple of degrees and sunday bounce back up a couple of degrees on monday. by midweek next week we will see high temperatures climbing back closer to the normal range. upper 80s around the bay upper 70s. although it is pleasant i know a lot of people like that really warm summer weather and we just don't have it yet. >> a little bit warmer would be nice, too. >> i know, right. >> thank you, spencer. >> okay. when we come back, a new old hitchcock movie. what is believed to be the only surviving copy of the master's first for ray into film making. we will tell you where it was
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a marin county neighborhood was left with quite a mess after a water main burst spraying the
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neighborhood with water and rock. some cars got pummeled but thanks to the timing of the break in one was hurt. the damaged vehicles are testimony to what happened out here early this morning. a mercedes covered in rock and debris. a bmw without a window. one resident says it sounded like a hail storm. >> it was loud and sudden. >> what did you hear last night? >> about the middle of the night there was this big thump and i went back be to sleep. in morning i was greatly surprised that half of the street was covered with dirt and mud. >> reporter: these two luxury cars weren't the only ones damaged. >> there were ten cars that were are here in the area because it was the middle of the night we didn't have very good descriptions of what the damage actually was so we will be doing a little bit of follow-up with them today. >> on the one hand, had it happened in the day time, someone might have been outside and injured. on the other hand, had the
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people broken in a different low hecation there might not have been any damage at all. >> we don't know what caused it but what happened is the pipe had a break, a hole in the top of the pipe and that caused between the size of the hole, the volume of water flowing through the pipe, it was a 6-inch pipe and the water pressure it was a lot of force and so it caused the asphalt and concrete and everything else to come up with it when the water broke through. >> the people we are told is about 40 years old. the one connecting the water main with the hydrant. are though no one lost water service. the hydrant won't be available for duty until the repairs are made. the contractor might take ways to get the lane back to the way it was until about 3:00 this morning. a water district spokesperson says when the pipe broke it was sending out 500-gallons a minute and that went on for 20 minutes. 10,000-gallons. police say they will continue to investigate to see if there might be damage to homes out
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here not immediately apparent. and the bill for all of it, the cars and houses if any will be going to the marin water district. here is something to think about the next time you stare at the moon. an astronomy believes the earth used to have two of them. astronomies believe one crashed into the other. this is an artist's rendition of what it might have looked like. the cosmic crash supposedly left the moon a little lopsided. it is meant to decide why the moon is mountainous and has a hard crust. >> dean mcdaniels who reported the hit 100-pounds of clay has died. he performed one of his hits hollywood. >> now, ladies and gentlemen,
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gene mcdonahue. ♪ another tear >> jean mcdaniels also wrote for aretha franklin, gladys knight and the pips, johnny mathis and ray charles. he was 76 years old. lost foot and from the first film alfred hitchcock ever worked on was uncovered in new desouthland. he was 24 years old when worked on this film in 1923. it was sent to a film archive of the family of a new zealand projectionist. it will be restored and shown in september in beverly hills. when abc 7 news at 9:00 continues tonight, caged in court. former strong man and former egyptian president hosni mubarak is wheeled into court. now, his sentence could be death. mormons on a mission with two high profile contenders how
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the church is fighting back against people who ridicule their faith. and if one drug company has its way you could be able to buy a cholesterol drug the same way you bias principle. plus, does eating chocolate help build muscle?ñ
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good evening, once again. look at the headlines we are following tonight. victims rights groups and state lawmakers are uniting to prevent sexual predators from being freed from prison when they still pose a threat to the public. right now the law forbids the full board from denying an inmates release solely upon the crime that up initially sent
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them to prison. they point to kidnapper of jaycee dugard as an example. mcavee has uncovered a massive series of cyber attacks that targeted the networks of 72 organizations including the united nations and governments of the united states, taiwan, india, south korea and canada. the 49ers showed off their vision today of their proposed clare stadium. the nearly $1 billion project features a grand entrance terrace, seating that will bring fans closer to the gridiron, glassed in food courts so you won't miss any of the action plus wi-fi and solar panels. overseas now you to egypt where 83-year-old hosni mubarak a steadfast ally for every american president since jimmy carter went on trial. the former leader was pushed from power by a popular uprising in february. he is accused of ordering the deaths of demonstrators and also charged with corruption and could receive the death
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penalty. more from abc's alex marquart. >> it was custom built for today. an iron cage and 83-year-old mubarak rolled in on a hospital bed. >> for egyptians the fact that mubarak is on trial is beyond their imagination. they never thought that a man as powerful as he was would be brought to justice. the man who inspired fear for three decades now faces the death penalty. accused of corruption and the death of 900 protesters. his thugs attacking protesters in the battle of the camel at the square. >> i categorically deny all the charges mubarak told the court. during the uprising, muhammad ail aktad's 18-year-old son was shot dead. you deserve to be executed sea users to mubarak leak you did
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to our sons. as we saw in violent clashes this afternoon mubarak still has strong supporters. >> they don't appreciate this guy. i'm with mubarak, pro mubarak. >> both sides never believed this day would come. a humanitarian crisis in syria is getting worsts government tries to suppress opposition protests. tanks can be seen today rolling through the streets firing shots. residents who left the city say bodies are on the ground, many people are running out of food and water there. a human rights group says more than 2,000 people have been killed since the uprising began in march. u.n. security council today condemned the attas on civilians. the justice department is calling it the largest ever u.s. prosecution against child pornography. 72 people face charges tonight
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accused of participating in operation dream board a private online bulletin board where members traded graphic photos and videos of adults molesting children. >> some of the children featured were just infants and in many cases the children being victimized were in obvious and also intentional pain. >> during the announcement today the federal officials said green board had 1 million images and enough video to make 16,000 dvds. the investigation targeted hundreds of individuals on five continents. 20 of those charged remain at large tonight. jurors were seen covering their mouths in horror today as a texas court heard an audio sex tape at the warren jeffs sexual assault trial. jeffs is the head of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints. he claims he is the victim of religious persecution. >> it was one of the last
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things the jury heard in warren jeff's trial before the prosecution rested. an audio recording of the cult leader allegedly having sex with his 12-year-old bride. the leader of the fundamentalist church of jesus christ of latter day saints is charged with sexually assaulting the 12-year-old as well as a 15-year-old girl. prosecutors presented the court with church records that said the 15-year-old conceived a child with jeffs during a "heavenly session." earlier, a dna expert confirmed tests showed jeffs fathered the baby. in another recording he can allegedly be heard instructing young girls on how to please a man sexually. prosecutors are building a case to prove he knowingly had sex with minors, telling them it was the only way to receive eternal salvation. >> throughout the trial, jeffs has exhibited questionable
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behavior. he fired his entire legal team and has objected so many times during court proceedings the judge has ordered him to be quiet. >> while jeffs insists he is being persecuted for his religious beliefs the state claims he is a sexual predator that needs to be put away for the rest of his life. >> and that is exactly what jeffs faces if convicted on all charges a maximum sentence of life in prison. after prosecutors rested their case today, warren jeffs gave a delayed opening statement. he evoked images of the civil rights movement and mentioned former mormon leader joseph smith, jr. and asked the jury to remember constitutional guarantees to religious freedom. and two mormon men run for president, the church is fighting back against perceptions. >> the hottest ticket in broadway right now is the tony
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award winning musical the book of mormon. on tv there have been several hit series from hbo's big love to tlc's sister wives. and on the campaign trail. >> thanks for helping out today. >> not one but two major candidates for president. >> i'm john huntsman. >> both of them latter day saints. >> we realize that we are two mormons running for president. there is going to be stereo typing. >> reporter: the craig foster is part of a group called the foundation for apoll gettic information and research. becoming a mormon rapid response team. >> we will monitor the press to see if they get something right or not. >> they know a candidate's religion can be an issue from kennedy's catholicism to obama's embarrassment by
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reverend wright. last month the mormons clarified the church is neutral. they are coming down hard on reports like this one. >> what country do you think hosts the garden of eden? on the fox affiliate in memphis. >> you got a lot more reaction to this than you bargained for. >> was a pretty darn big attac. >> for the record, brigham young did preach that the guard of eden was in jackson county, missouri. >> you can't reduce to a sound bite for a bumper stick. but but in the upcoming campaign people may try to do just that. >> there are reports that texas governor and potential contender rebound perry had surgery last month that involved injection of h his own stem cells. he had spinal fusion surgery
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and a spokesman for perry confirmed that the governor did receive therapy that included the innovative use of his own adult stem cells and now costs not covered by health was paid for by perry. the fda has approved stem cells only foreworn marrow transplants. perry has long supported adult stem cell research even calling on state leaders to invest in stem cell companies. well, coming up next, despite all of the negative economic reports one east bay city is defying the odds. we will take a look [ female announcer ] what's so great about jcp cash? no exclusions! with jcp cash, earn 10, 15 or 20 dollars off on the spot storewide! and, unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save. get up to $20 off with no exclusions! we make style affordable, you make it yours!
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♪ [ female announcer ] because you never stop improving your recipe... we never stop improving ours. we've added a touch of philly cream cheese to kraft natural shredded cheese, which adds a touch of creamy to any dish. kraft touch of philly shredded cheese. we're not just making great cheese. we're taking it further. ♪
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no exclusions! with jcp cash, earn 10, 15 or 20 dollars off on the spot storewide! and, unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save. get up to $20 off with no exclusions! we make style affordable, you make it yours! jcpenney. remember the days when bay area cities had budget surpluses and growing economies. grint woods says that is what they are -- brentwood says that is what they are experiencing right now despite the recession. >> despite having its ten year housing boom abruptly halted by the bad economy brentwood is in a financial position most other bay area cities would envy. >> brentwood has been extremely well managed. the director of economic development points to the new $28 million city hall project as just one example of the relative wealth his community enjoys.
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>> we have a a 30% budget surplus. one of the few cities to have that. we have kept our permit counter open 45 hours per week. no cuts in services as far as police and public safety. and that resonates with the business community. >> reporter: greenwood got its taxes from the 80 store streets of brentwood shopping center which is 95% leased and revenues generated by new companies that have recently moved to town big tactical command infantry. the company brought with it 50 new jobs. >> the city is obviously a probusiness city. they want businesses to come to brentwood. very, very supportive in the process. >> john also has a 110,000 square foot outpatient campus in brentwood with more than 300 employees. >> the dynamics in brentwood are perfect for our population. >> but brentwood has had its share of struggles, too.
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citywide the commercial vacancy rate is about 20% and the current budget surplus can be attributed at least in part to the dismissal three years ago of 30 employees or 13% of city staff. >> it was a painful move in the short-term but today is paying off dividends. >> at 9.8% the unemployment rate is lower than contra costa county as a whole but its foreclosure rate one in 76 homes in june of this year is much higher than surrounding communities like antioch. >> we are looking at families where both spouses are unemployed and on unemployment benefits and unemployment benefits do not pay a mortgage payment. >> one more note, several planned projects in brentwood put off indefinitely now that governor you brown has signed a bill to eliminate redevelopment agencies on the funding that goes with them. pfizer is looking to sell its top selling cholesterol drug lipitor over the counter as the drug faces a threat from
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competition in november. the fda has so far resisted allowing companies to sell the medication without a prescription. fizer would have to show that people can monitor their own use of the drug without a doctor's oversight. >> can't replace your energy bar with a candy bar but scientists have discovered a connection between chocolate and building muscle. researchers found that giving mice a purified form of the main ingredient in dark chocolate evoked a response without exercise. that prosed chocolate does not contain the ingredient. one of the most famous scenes in hollywood. >> if you build it, he will come. >> that line from "field of dreams" is playing out in michigan but with a twist. up next, the city
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we have enjoyed some lovely weather but we are expecting a bit of a cooldown tomorrow. check back in with spence spence. christian.r >> temperatures all week long below average this time of the year. that trend continues.
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tomorrow evening low clouds that have purchased far inland overnight. by mid day early afternoon we will see a fairly familiar summer time pattern in term its of cloud cover and sunshine but not really in terms of temperatures. high on the coast reach only the mid up toker 50s. highs around the bay in the 60s. and mainly 70s inland. the warmest locations will perhaps top out at about 80 degrees. here is a sampling of highs tomorrow. 76 santa rosa. 64 richmond. 79 concord. 80 livermore. 74 san jose. inland highs at morgan hill and gilroy in the upper 70s. the accuweather seven day county. cooler than average weather will last for ey awhile. mid week next week temperatures start to climb a little closer to average. upper 80s inland which is warm but not hot. >> thanks, spencer.
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summer time means playing catch in the backyard but you in grand rapids, michigan is includes a scoreboard, an organist and a couple hundred fans. it is not baseball but which will ball. brent ashcroft has more where from the front it looks like just any other house along west wind court. it is when you stroll around back you will see. >> get down, be ready. >> it is very different. ♪ >> here we go. >> i had no idea this was back here. >> seriously, how do you get the police chief to play catch in your backyard? >> get the games begin. >> it was kind of a pipe dream. >> if you build it like the doyle family has. >> because we are in a hollow, we thought hollow park would be great. >> they will come. >> good eye. >> the competition is fierce. but fun. >> we had 11 teams last year. this year we are at 18.
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>> three years in, the event continues to grow. >> we have sponsors this year. obviously meijer. my dentist. >> and that green wall looks familiar. >> this year we put up the big hollow monster. 40 feet long by 16 feet high. there is other stadiums that are like wrigley field and mini fenway and didn't want to copty them. i wanted to have our own thing. >> and what about the parents. >> great. great community fun. great neighborhood stuff. >> so say they are into it is an understatement. >> yeah! let's go! go alex, run! >> there is even an upper deck to enjoy the view down in the hollow. >> we wanted to do something for the west side and something for the kids. >> from folks that are anything but hollow. >> nobody is ever a loser here at hollow park. we just love to have fun. >> wow. what a stadium there, huh? >> that is quite a commitment. could you imagine, what are yolks you guys doing today?
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well, the red sox are playing the yankees in the backyard. unbelievable. >> that is remarkable. what else is is going on in sports? >> a slightly elevated league of sports. giants fans waiting and wondering when is carlos beltran going to hit like carlos beltran? the answer came today in the series finale with [ female announcer ] at the jcpenney huge sale, back to school style is hugely affordable! with unbeatable doorbusters... ...find huge savings... like $14.99 juniors' dresses.... ...$12.99 boys' and girls' arizona jeans.... ....and $4.99 guys' screen tees. save huge on nike and new balance shoes too -- just $38.99! plus, with jcp cash, earn 10, 15 or 20 dollars off on the spot. no exclusions! unlike other stores, we don't make you come back to save!
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it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. coming up at 11:00, a california lawmaker conducts his own investigation. report from behind the walls at
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napa state hospital injuries and eating healthy, the high cost of sticking to the new u.s. dietary guidelines. all coming up in an hour on abc 7 news on channel 7, right now the giants fans feeling good tonight. larry beil is here. >> for night. it has been rocky lately. fangs can ex-hail, the five game losing streak is over. the giants are back in sole possession of first place if only by a game. how about this? this is a nice looking setup. never mind the guy that has the wiffle ball thing. that is good at mccovey cove. vogelsong won six straight decisions. beltran three hits. driving in a run in the second. giants in the fifth. the other new giants on the board, orlando cabrera doubles down the left field line. sandoval and beltran score. cabrera with three rbis today. ross doubled to the gap off former athletic brad zeigler.
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suddenly the giants offense has arrived and. >> the time. a-- the giants avoidsweep and the sweep. >> geogonzalez, bottom two gets josh ward looking. fanned nine but gave up six runs in six and a third. bard with revenge with a business hit up the middle to score a pair. two the fifth. the a's on the board. sizemore. yanks one down the left field line. conor jackson in and lead is cut in half at 2-1. bottom five. 3-1 ms. wells singles through theeld. dustin catabaly scores. two rbis. the a's swept in seattle, 7-4. on to football. the 49ers have got a lot of adjustments. new playbook. new teammates. most of all a new head coach and as his stanford players learned jim harbaugh is pure energy. the reality is the lockout hurt
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the niners more than most teams. harbaugh only met the player 20s guys ago. essentially a crash course in getting to know you. >> i love them, man. i could. i love him. he got a lot of energy. highly intelligent. he got a lot of creative ways of do are things, i moan motivational ways of doing things so i love him. >> he is serious mr. b. what he is doing and would be out there acting out the drills, i love that, man. and sometimes he just get hyper from no where and i love that, too. >> the 49ers have been kind of slow in free agency to do much. they did land a center today to replace david. jonathan good win there in the middle of the screen, 76. he was the starting center for the saints. 6'3", 18. the niners can find a corner back to replace nate clemons. they signed carlos rogers who spent the past six years with the redskins. made 43 tackles.
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a couple of interceptions last year. he is a physical corner what is recorded as the best available corner back left on the free agent market. sad news, the nfl lost a giant today. bubba smith passed away. he spent nine years in the nfl two with the raiders. a ferocious pass rusher and then transitioned to acting and a lot of people, especially younger people will remember him as moses hightower in police academy movies and all of those beer commercials. bubba smith was 66 years old. finally, tiger woods teeing off in the bridge stone invitational tomorrow. when was in his prime one of the standard bets used to be you take tiger or everybody else in the field. teeing off in akron tomorrow ending a layoff at near early five months tigheer is listed at 20-1. expectations not very high. one of the many changes for tigheer is replacing his old caddie steve williams with brian bell, one of his
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childhood buddies and tiger talked about the change. >> i thought it was time for a change. i thought that steveee and i haded have an amazing run. he is a hell of a caddie, no denying that and he has helped my career and i think i have helped his as well. we had a great partnership for 12 years, maybe a little bit more are than that but i felt it was time to change things up a little bit. >> interesting tory him talk about it like that. >> changed it more than a little bit. he changed everything including his swing and eastbound will be watching tiger to see how he performs. >> should be interesting to see. >> no doubt. >> thanks,ry. that does it for this edition of abc 7 news at -9d. stay connected at for spencer and larry and dan ashley thanks for watching we will be back at 11:00 over on channel 7. captioned by closed captioning services, inc.


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